LUCE 337 | Page 23

The most innovative lighting management system on the market that paves the way for further reaching applications in a smarter city
Schréder EXEDRA è una soluzione plug-and-play che integra un motore di automazione . I gestori delle città possono usare questo strumento per impostare routine personalizzate e azioni automatizzate
Schréder EXEDRA is a plug-andplay solution that integrates an automation engine . City managers can use this tool to set up customised routines and automated action
Schréder EXEDRA è una soluzione completa basata su standard e protocolli aperti . Questa piattaforma interoparabile garantisce che i clienti possano connettere ad essa sistemi o dispositivi esistenti o di terze parti
Schréder EXEDRA is a comprehensive solution based on open standards and protocols . This cross-platform allows customers to connect existing or third-party systems or devices

Schréder EXEDRA

The most innovative lighting management system on the market that paves the way for further reaching applications in a smarter city

Artificial lighting has been part of the urban experience since ancient times and over the years , technology has developed to deliver better performance . Schréder EXEDRA is a new remote control platform for intelligent street lighting . It relies on shared and open technologies for IoT systems integration , and brings a new layer of benefits that maximises the return on investment creating new opportunities for cities that need tailored solutions . It opens up an infinite number of opportunities to improve neighbourhoods and communities by deploying the right solutions in the right places . It is the ideal tool to align value with short- and mid-term targets while sustaining long-term vision .

Set the right light and maximise your savings Our priority is always to ensure safety for people by providing the right light in all circumstances . Schréder EXEDRA integrates advanced features for programming the most efficient dimming profiles based on endless variables while providing safety and comfort for people . It can integrate smart lighting applications such as the ability to adapt the colour of the light or build dynamic lighting scenarios through PIR sensors or radars . As it offers complete interoperability , Schréder EXEDRA can manage controllers / sensors and control luminaires from other manufacturers .
Automate routine actions and reports Schréder EXEDRA integrates a powerful automation engine to easily customise advanced sequences of automated actions based on the conditions and rules you define .
The automation centre includes the creation of alerts and notifications , the definition of custom events on the platform , the performance of complex calculations , the triggering of reports , and data aggregation . The execution of these tasks can be constantly monitored in the user interface , and tasks can be scheduled as required . It is the ideal tool to simplify operations and automate repetitive tasks .
Multi-tenant architecture Configure and manage different zones independently . Thanks to the Schréder EXEDRA multi-tenant architecture , contractors , utilities and big cities can segregate areas and split their assets into various projects . The user settings application enables system administrators to create different user profiles and assign them to a role with access rights per application / feature , per device type , and per geographical group . It is easy to create specific access for maintenance operators , energy operators , managers , sub-contractors or city operators . It is also possible to limit rights to certain applications and limit access to specific geographical areas .
Ticketing system The Schréder EXEDRA ticketing centre enables the user to create , prioritise , assign , track , manage issues ( tickets ), or any other events and associate them with any devices . All types of assets ( e . g . controlled or non-controlled luminaires , cables , cabinets ) can be associated to a ticket along with a state , severity , assignee , description , optional comments and attached file ( e . g . photo ). This fully integrated ticketing system helps you optimise your asset management and maintenance .
Foundations for a smart city It is commonly agreed that smart street lighting is the springboard for smart cities . Luminaires are everywhere across the city . They are evenly distributed in the streets , installed at an ideal height for wireless communication and connected to the power grid . Over time , depending on their strategy and priorities , managers will look at converting their smart lighting scheme to a proper smart city infrastructure . Investing in a flexible and futureproof solution is key to succeed in this next step . Schréder has developed EXEDRA as the ideal platform to build open , interoperable and resilient IoT ecosystems and support smart cities for the future .
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