LUCE 337 | Page 19

Light as design matter : Panzeri ’ s DNA at the service of architecture

For seventy years Panzeri has been giving shape to light . The company ’ s in-house expertise in state-of-the-art LED technology and in the processing of raw materials , especially metals , has enabled Panzeri to develop a unique approach to the many types of product that coexist in its catalogue – architectural , decorative and soundabsorbing . The aim of all design research , whether for a new product or a customised solution , is to enhance the expressive potential of light , which is never trapped in constrictive forms but conveyed by almost invisible , light and minimal containers that fit harmoniously into different environments . As stated by Maurizio De Caro , Panzeri ’ s cultural director for design and research since 2020 , “ light is that part of architecture that cannot be drawn , a vision , a skilful trick : it is the touch of the performer , almost as decisive as that of the composer .” If on the one hand the traditional division between product categories is lost as a result of the use of LEDs , which for technological reasons turn the decorative lamp into a semitechnological object , on the other hand Panzeri ’ s

Kips , design Enzo Panzeri 2020
specific approach is based on the idea of light as an essential element in the building of every type of space , whether interior or exterior , right from its conception . This is why Panzeri pays particular attention to building up a constant dialogue with designers , so that the result of the collaboration is always the full representation of an integrated project arising from the different components , in accordance with an idea of human centric lighting aimed at high visual comfort and total flexibility in the configuration of different scenarios . One such example is the Arena suspension lamp , designed by Enzo Panzeri , which provides a functional response to the need to combine adjustable and direct light with a line of diffused and dimmable light , ideal for living areas , retail spaces and large environments . Kips , another creation by Enzo Panzeri , is an ultra-thin recessed aluminium profile that allows linear and curved modules to be combined to create original continuous configurations that can be creatively integrated into interior design .
This is also the direction taken by Hilow , a lighting system designed by Matteo Thun and presented in 2021 , which combines essential linear LED modules to form luminous landscapes that adapt to spaces . Hilow perfectly embodies Panzeri ’ s vision , which aims to develop products that are apparently simple in terms of form , but incorporate complex design and technical elements , offering modular solutions to meet different lighting needs . By combining this approach with extremely lean production lines , Panzeri provides customers and designers with the opportunity to develop tailor-made products and systems , in a mutual contamination of decorative tradition and architectural function . The company ’ s in-house management of all production processes , which is firmly in the hands of the Panzeri family , represents a significant competitive advantage , not only for the residential segment but above all for the contract world , allowing the integration of the latest lighting technologies into customised lighting configurations .
Hilow , design Matteo Thun 2020
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