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Superintendent of Archaeology , Fine Arts and Landscape of Rome , with his colleague Antonella Ranaldi , Superintendent of Architectural and Monumental Heritage of Milan ; Massimiliano Dona , president of the UNC ; Vittorio Storaro , director of photography and winner of three Oscars for the photography of films like Apocalypse Now , Reds and The last Emperor ; Marco Filibeck , lighting director of the Teatro alla Scala ; Allan Ruberg , Head of ÅF Architecture & Design , ÅF Consultancy Group ; Massimo Roj , Head of Progetto CMR ; Laura Giappichelli , Project Advisor EASME ( European Commission ); Nicoletta Gozo , project manager for Lumière & PELL of Enea ; Pietro Palladino , lighting designer . Representatives of the press were Silvano Oldani , the Director of LUCE , Silvia Sala of Casabella , and other important media members , from IoArch to Luxemotion . Numerous institutional partners of the congress supported the AIDI Congress with their patronage and collaboration : Ministry of Economic Development ; CNAPPC , National Council of Architects ; ENEA ; ASSIL ; APIL ; Municipality of Milan ; Municipality of Rome ; Politecnico di Milano ; Politecnico di Torino ; Brera Academy of Fine Arts ; “ Sapienza ”, Roma 3 , and Federico II di Napoli Universities ; CNAPPC Order of Rome and its province ; Professional Order of Engineers of the province of Rome ; ForumLED Europe ; UNC , the National Consumers Union . Very important was the financial support of the sponsors : Enel X and Gewiss as “ Gold Sponsor ”; A2A Illuminazione Pubblica , Acea , Arianna , Neri , Osram , Philips Lighting and Reverberi Enetec as
“ Meeting Supporter ”; Cariboni Group , iGuzzini Illuminazione , Iren , Performance in Lighting and UL as “ Silver Sponsor ”; Posytron as “ Technical Sponsor ”. The much-anticipated congressional meeting at the MAXXI developed around the three thematic sessions defined by the Scientific Committee , which was composed of distinguished teachers and lighting designers such as : Laura Bellia , referent of the Committee and Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II ; Chiara Aghemo , Professor of the Department of Energy Politecnico di Torino ; Carla Balocco , Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Università degli Studi di Firenze ; Anna Busolini , designer and President of the AIDI Triveneto Section ; Andrea Ingrosso , lighting designer and APIL advisor ; Marco Frascarolo , Professor of the Department of Architecture of the Università degli Studi Roma Tre ; Alessandra Reggiani , designer and President of the AIDI Lazio and Molise Section ; Maurizio Rossi , Professor and Director of the Master in Lighting Design , and Scientific Director of the Lab . Luce of the Politecnico di Milano ; Marina Vio , designer . During the first day , the session “ New frontiers and applications of lighting : technological and design innovation ”, introduced by Allan Ruberg , directed the discussion and debate on the new frontiers in lighting , starting from the evolution of LED technology and how it has significantly influenced the market and the supply of lighting products . In this session , topics related to the new application areas of light were also addressed , from the new possibilities of construction to design . The second day of the Congress was opened by Francesco Prosperetti with his introduction to the second thematic session “ Lighting of artistic and architectural heritage ”, which deepened the importance of a correct use of light in artistic and architectural environments , which become “ visible ” thanks to the light , since light is a living matter and an integral part of the design . Thus , a wrong use of the light can also affect the relationship between the viewer and the work , defining an expressive and communicative meaning of the artistic object that differs from the one really wanted by the artist . The third and last session , “ Lighting in smart cities ”, introduced by Massimo Roj , closed the two days dedicated to the culture of light . The theme was the design of a “ quality ” urban lighting within the concept of the smart city , which plays a key role in an unprecedented technological revolution . Smart Cities : an urban and cultural model that meets the needs of citizens , where light becomes the first infrastructure for the development and supply of new services considered increasingly essential , such as connectivity and remote control . In addition to the presentation of memories and roundtables , in the two days in Rome , the award ceremony of the AIDI video competition “ Riprenditi la città , Riprendi la luce ” was also held , as described in the following pages . The proceedings of the congress , over 350 pages , are available on the website : www . congressonazionale . aidiluce . it