LUCE 324 | Page 28

The XVIII AIDI National Congress at the MAXXI in Rome

Held in Rome on May 17-18 , the AIDI National

Congress 2018 , entitled Luce e Luoghi : Cultura e Qualità ( Light and Places : Culture and Quality ), ended with a well-deserved success . A two-day presentation , conducted by Mariella Di Rao , which saw the MAXXI Auditorium become a meeting place where 40 speakers addressed , debated and discussed the new frontiers of lighting in Italy and internationally . From the future of lighting to new technologies , from research to design and training , in order to achieve a “ quality of light ”, or to make a culture of lighting , as stated by AIDI ’ s pay-off . There were designers , lighting designers , academics , research centres , institutions , companies , utilities , and students . In particular , through oral and poster sessions , roundtables and debates , all aspects related to technological innovation and design , art and museum lighting , lighting of public places and the increasing development of interdisciplinarity were addressed , to enrich the cultural debate around new and innovative topics such as human centric lighting , Smart City and IoT . Opening the congress , the president of AIDI Margherita Suss pointed out in her applauded welcome speech how “ the new technologies allow you to design an effective light , which is dynamic , flexible and adaptable , and have led to a radical transformation of the lighting industry that requires an increasingly extensive and widespread dissemination of the culture of light and design .” Thanks were due and sincerely expressed to the Scientific Committee , composed of professionals and authoritative exponents of universities , whose work has made it possible to realise “ a congress with a very interesting and mixed program , where all the players in the industry are present and from which a ‘ light system ’ has emerged , a very important element to promote the culture of light , which is the main mission of AIDI since 1959 , the year of its foundation .” There were also all the members of the AIDI board of Directors , with Dante Cariboni , the Vice President , and Alvaro Andorlini , the Secretary- General . Massimiliano Guzzini , as President of ASSIL , and Pietro Barrera , the Secretary-General of the MAXXI Foundation , conveyed greetings . Many guests were in attendance , as public or as speakers : Francesco Prosperetti , Special
Tavola rotonda “ Luce e innovazione : quale futuro ?”. Da sinistra : Emanuele Sguazzi ( Enel X ), Fabio Rocchi ( Comune di Roma ), Pietro Palladino ( lighting designer ), Antonella Ranaldi ( soprintendenza di Milano ), Laura Giappichelli ( EASME ), Nicoletta Gozo ( Enea ), Aldo Bigatti ( Gewiss ) e Chiara Aghemo ( Politecnico di Torino )