Lubezine Magazine Vol. 9 April - June 2014 | страница 5

WHO IS READING LUBEZINE? W NE LO OK ! A guide to buying lubricants P.10 The basics of oil additives P.16 Issue 002 Issue 002 ssu s October-December October-December t ecem c w WWW E AFRICA COM Issue 002 October-December F Foc Focusing on Africa’s lubrication needs F Focusing Focusing on Afric ’s lubricat g Africa Af ica’ ic icat on needs icatiFOR needs cation eed cati cat ee ed NOT on SALE BEARING FAILURE and lubrication BEARIN FAILURE BEARING FAILURE ILUR LU Gulf Energy an lub at and lubrication Launches Lubricants rication AviationGulf Energy Gul Lubricantss Lubricants Launch Launche Launches Lu Aviation L Lu Lubricants F FOCUS ON Kirinyaga nya’s s Inside Keny Inside Kenya’s lubricants capital Road 1 ZI BE UBE UB Z NE r Ma uar M h J a nuar y -M a r ch 2 0 1 2 LUBEZINE MAGAZINE January-March 2012 L UB E ZI NE M AGA Z I N E PLUS: THE MARKET REPORT P.4 s capital lubricant Lubezine is a free magazine to qualified subscribers The readership includes: If you wish to communicate to any of the above groups about your products, Lubezine offers the most direct link To advertise, contact Lubezine sales team at: February-April 2014 | LUBEZINE MAGAZINE 3