WELCOME ABOARD LEGEND KAYAKS 34 Payne St, Park Rynie, 4182 L egend Kayaks on the South Coast is the latest addi on to our team of dealers. Anglers can pop in to the factory, which is very close to the N2 highway, and see owner Brian Jacobs for units and informa on. They have stock of the 3-, 4-, and 5-inch Hook models from Lowrance, and also the very popular new Nocqua ba eries for fishfinders and livewells. These ba eries are perfect for kayak anglers! This manufacturer of rota onal- moulded plas c Kayaks, started in Johannesburg in 2006 and moved down south seven years ago. Of their 10 different models, catering to paddlers and anglers – the “Nessy” has proved to be their best seller, followed by the “Big Horn.” They make around 300 kayaks a month and export to Mauri us, the Seychelles and some African countries. Brian Jacobs 072 379 9577 10 lowrance south south africa africa lowrance 27