then they wash it and they cut
it and cook it. They do it all by
themselves. We give a lot of
lessons about the importance
of local food. Slow Food USA
is doing amazing things with
this garden programs around
the country. The guy who’s
heading that stuff, Andy
Nowak, he was my mentor.
I think our generation,
my generation and older
generations, forget that. That’s
why I go to the kids because
they love it. I used to do a
lot of talks with teens and I
would explain the industrial
food versus the local food
system and those kids ate
it up. I thought I would go in
there with a bunch of jerky,
hormonal middle school kids
but I tell you, they’ve blown
me away. I love teenagers so
much. I think they have so much
to offer and the we just don’t
give them any credit. They’re
the next generation people so
get in there and teach them.
AB: Yes, we messed it up for
them so we need to try to
correct the imbalance and