I don’t see the
benefit of GMOs at this
point. I just think that
the damage that’s been
done especially with the
whole Monsanto thing
is really affecting our
livelihood, our food. If
you’ve ever seen this
movie called Idiocracy,
it’s like the stupidest
movie ever made but the
message was amazing.
It’s just kind of a joke
movie but it’s about the
future and everybody is
so dumb. Everybody is
so stupid and dumb that
they just can’t function
like this Mr. T kind of
guy is the president and
here’s the thing, they
have no food, they all just
live off of this Mountain
Dew kind of stuff or
whatever. The food is
all bad and everybody’s
fat and basically the
whole joke is that all
the intellectual people
stopped procreating
and all the really dumb
people kept procreating.
They’ve tried to grow
food but they can’t
because they were using
some kind of GatoradeMountain Dew sort of
thing to water the food.