Loving Life Summer Edition 2014 Volume 8.7 | Page 10

Q) What high school did you graduate from? What were some of your major accomplishments during your high school years? A) I graduated from Aberdeen High School. Some of my major accomplishments were: making “All County” in basketball; being on the Honor Roll for most of my high school career; and maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or higher throughout high school. Q) What college do you plan to attend in the fall? What area do you plan to pursue / major in while in college? A) University of Maryland Eastern Shore. I am going to major in Master Communications and Business. Q) Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years? A) With a beautiful girlfriend and broadcasting on the air of either a radio, magazine or TV station! Q) Who inspired you most and how? A) My parents because they always pushed me to do better even when I was lazy. Also my teacher, Mrs. Gauthier, for always looking out for me and making me a better person and student. Q) How has your relationship with God and with LFCC influenced your life to this point? A) All the struggles that life and school put me through only made my relationship stronger with God. There were times when you feel like you couldn’t take anymore, but with God, He brings you through. Interview with Aliyah Johnson Q) Tell me a little about yourself and your childhood. A) I come from a very small and loving family. My mother and father co-parented separately. They focused on my education at a very young age. I was incredibly disciplined at three years old. I helped to wash dishes, prepare dinner, and made certain to make my bed every morning before my day began. By the time I had enrolled into to pre-K, I was already working towards my multiplication tables – courtesy of my mom’s hard core educational program at Angela’s Angels Daycare Center! Her passions to ensure my educational success led her to founding the center and it’s been running strong ever since. I’m practically the Angela’s Angels “poster child” (smile). I got a lot of attention as a child. I was my parent’s only “Baby Girl” and to this day they still think I am! That’s alright though. They kept me very active, especially in dance. I took my first tap, jazz, and dance class in the second grade. I’ve been dancing ever since. I owe a lot of my dance experience to the church though. I joined my first dance team at Mt. Pleasant Christian School. We ministered in praise dance often at the chapel and academic ceremonies. I’ll never forget the duet I did at my sixth grade graduation. My grandmother was in tears. I had never seen her cry before. When I asked her why she cried, she said that my ministry had moved her. I was only about eleven years old. I never considered myself being in ministry. I thought I was too young – yet there I was “in ministry” like my mom. They changed my whole perspective of dance. At that moment I decided that was a niche. I recognize that I’m incredibly blessed. To say that I was “spoiled” would be an understatement. I had every black American Doll and Barbie branded item you could think of – book bags, dolls, collectibles, cars, skates, convertible, and jeep! You name it. However, that is nothing in comparison to the love and de f