Love and History 1 | Page 10


says Brodrick Hall, Co-founder of Project Inspire. While attending an HBCU, we all have gotten a glimpse of those few students willing to reach out and create positive change on their campus; however this project created by multiple students from different Georgia Universities has stood out tremendously. Project Inspire is an organization formed to improve and empower also to teach Life-skills and build Confidence within the teenage male community. Brodrick insist that the relativity in age with the student leaders and their audience makes them stand out. He says “there’s a difference in talking to your father about something and talking with your big brother …. Were like those big brothers to these young men“. After weeks of planning and organizing the team began their first panel discussion at Sol C. Johnson High School. The principle of Johnson High informed the student’s teachers that there would be an assembly. Immediately, almost 200 hundred male eleventh and twelfth graders were assigned to the auditorium.