Love a Happy Ending Lifestyle Magazine August 2013 | Page 60
All Things Green and British
It is fair to state that location and environment are
key to wellbeing, a happy lifestyle – and property
prices! Did you know that all is not entirely well in
the world of footpaths, village greens and green
belt? It may be alarmist to say they are variously
‘under threat’, but perhaps we should be
concerned and take a look around where we live
to assess current changes that might affect us.
If you have been on a country walk recently, you
may have discovered that negotiating some
footpaths was more like penetrating jungle. For
some you may need a pair of secateurs or shears
to fight a way through. A spokesman from Boston
Ramblers Association recently said, ‘All the paths
are overgrown with grass, nettles and the like and
some of them you can’t even find where they start
it’s got that bad. They want people to get exercise,
and walking is a great way to do so but by having the
paths in this state is putting people off.’
Local councils are struggling; resources are stretched to breaking point. Like many aspects of life, the
environment is suffer ??rg&??v?fW&??V?B7WG2?B?2&W?'FVB??F?R?v???R?bF?P?&?&?W'2?v??( ?F?Rv??F?fR?B6?V?G'?6?FR??6?2F?R6??F????2?FR6??r?"??&?w&W72?????'WBGv??b?G2#V?f?&???V?F?6???F?V?G2(
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