Love a Happy Ending Lifestyle Magazine August 2013 | Page 18

CRAFT IDEAS Bead-azzling this Summer! Beads are the accessories for your summer time wardrobe! You can have lots of fun making some great accessories or simply adding a bit of sparkle to an existing item of clothing or footwear. A trip to my local bead shop near Chichester (Beadazzle) saw me return with a kit to make a charm bracelet and another to make a book mark. There’s a huge variety of beads and kits to choose from, as well as items already made up. If you’re not within driving distance, you can order on-line through their website - There are, of course, many outlets and on-line places to buy beads and there are a variety of magazines available for inspiration and advice. They are really easy to make and in less than an hour you can have yourself some great accessories. All you need is a pair of mini pliers and a pair of mini snips. You begin by threading your beads onto the rods: Once you are happy with your beaded rods, you then gently open one of the rings and hook it onto the bracelet. Then take the rod and using the pliers, bend it into a small loop near the beads and s nip off the excess rod. Thread the beaded rod onto the ring and gently squeeze the ring closed.