Recap on GLMS Resolutions at 2023 KMA Annual Meeting
The following GLMS resolutions were adopted as amended : 2023-8 Physicians ’ Moral Injury 2023-32 CME to Promote Screening and Patient Education for Gun Safety in the Home
The following GLMS resolutions were Referred to the KMA Gun Violence and Firearm Safety Work Group for further consideration .
2023-27 Gun Violence Prevention – Support Legislation That Requires Background Checks for the Purchase of Firearms in Kentucky
2023-29 Gun Violence Prevention – Support Legislation That Addresses Ghost Guns in Kentucky
2023-31 Gun Violence Prevention – Support Legislation That Establishes a State-Wide Office of Gun Safety in Kentucky
2023-34 Enact Legislation to Protect Kentucky Schoolchildren , Citizens , and Police Officers from Gun Violence and Mass Shootings
2023-35 Repeal Kentucky State Laws that Prohibit Prevention of Mass Shootings and Gun Violence , and Thus Endanger Our Schoolchildren , Citizens , and Police
The House of Delegates voted in favor of the Reference Committee ’ s recommendation that the KMA Gun Violence and Firearm Safety Work Group Report to the 2023 KMA House of Delegates ( https :// tinyurl . com / 27nava99 ) be amended in lieu of Resolutions 28 , 30 and 33 .
The Report was amended by rewording the last paragraph to state that the work group will be reaffirmed for the 2024 annual year and will meet no less than semi-annually .
The HOD voted in favor , and the Report was adopted as amended . 2023-28 Gun Violence Prevention – Prevention of Suicide with Extreme Risk Protection Orders ( Red Flag Laws )
2023-30 Gun Violence Prevention – Prevention of Intimate Domestic Partner Homicides with Domestic Violence Prohibition Laws
2023-33 Addressing the Gun Violence Public Health Epidemic Through Education , Advocating for Evidence- Based Remedies , and Collaboration with Task Forces
2024 GLMS Annual Report 9