Louisville Medicine Volume 67, Issue 10 | Page 22

INTERSECTION OF DESIGN & MEDICINE COMMUNITY D E Monalisa Tailor, MD a SIG S R O H T nd Pa AU ul S N irek , AI A, N S peaking with my older patients, I have noticed all the ones who do well have a community around them. They share strengthened communal bonds, interests, beliefs and life experiences. Of all popu- lation groups, our veterans are the ones who need this community the most. We have seen this in our waiting rooms at the Veterans Affairs Hos- pital. Veterans form friendships while they wait for their doctor’s appointment because their unique experiences bond them together. Luckett & Farley, a local architectural firm, is forming a community around homeless veterans to give them a safe place to address each individual’s root causes of homelessness and provide hope for the future. I spoke with Paul Sirek, lead architect of this project, who is partnering with Veteran’s Club to make this community possible. Thankfully, Paul was able to make time to answer some questions about this project. overall population that have served and sacrificed for all of us. This really takes what side of the aisle you are on or personal opinions about the ‘why’ someone is in the situation they are in, out of the equation. Veteran’s Club, through the construction of Camp Restoration, is an actionable response to the homeless issue that Louisville faces. This focus is on creating an environment where homeless veterans can take a moment to catch their breath and selfishly focus on themselves to better their situation without the added stress and worry that ultimately accompanies being without a place to live. The Veteran’s Club is interested in helping veterans address the root cause of their situation in a safe and supportive environment. For all these reasons, I personally, as well as Luckett & Farley as a whole, am honored to be involved with this project. QUESTION: WHY WAS THIS PROJECT APPEALING TO YOU? PAUL: First and foremost - homelessness in Louisville is a divisive containers and Quonsets—the idea was to create a familiarity without relying on the starkness of these forms. The design endeavors to evoke a memory based on a foundation of a shared experience, then layer on and polarizing issue. This project focuses on a homeless subset of the 20 LOUISVILLE MEDICINE QUESTION: LONELINESS IS BECOMING AN EPIDEMIC AROUND THE WORLD. VETERANS ARE A UNIQUE GROUP OF INDIVID- UALS WHO HAVE A SHARED EXPERIENCE. WHAT INSPIRED THIS DESIGN? PAUL: We took inspiration from military forms by the use of shipping