Louisville Medicine Volume 64, Issue 8 | Page 9

taining high levels of ethical standards goes along with their burden of heavy responsibility in the community . Whether you feel the AMA has represented you well or not , getting involved and having your opinions and insights known might be something to consider as this national collective continues to evolve .
Local membership in GLMS and the KMA remains very strong . That is likely reflective of Louisville , in general , as a community that likes to keep things local . If local and state issues are more your cup of tea , please know that there are so many opportunities to get involved . Opportunities exist for any member to participate in our flagship Wear the White Coat experience , join our very active policy and advocacy team , give back to students by helping them pick their specialty through our Specialty Speed Networking event or participating in our Foundation ’ s annual Golf Outing that provides needed scholarships , serving on a committee , going on a medical mission trip , or volunteering in a local clinic . And , the list goes on and on . If you would like to get involved in any of these endeavors with GLMS , please contact Membership and PR Specialist McKenna Byerley at 502-736-6362 or mckenna . byerley @ glms . org
If you would like to join or re-join the AMA , go to ama-assn . org / membership or call at 800-262-3211 .
Bert Guinn , MBA , CAE , is the executive vice president / CEO of the Greater Louisville Medical Society .


THEMED ESSAY CONTEST : All entries must be original , unpublished writing intended solely for publishing in Louisville Medicine Essays must be pertinent to the following theme .
LENGTH : 800 to 2,000 words .
DEADLINE : Monday , March 6 , 2017 .


To enter , you must be a GLMS physician member ( practicing or retired ), GLMS in-training member or University of Louisville medical student .
PRIZE : $ 1,500 for practicing and retired $ 750 for physicians-in-training
FORMAT : Do not put your name on your essay ! Judges are blinded to authors . Instead , include a separate cover letter with name , entry category , essay title and contact information .
SUBMISSION : Send via email as an attachment to Aaron Burch at aaron . burch @ glms . org . Email submissions are highly preferred , but if impossible , send entry by fax to 502-581-9022 or by mail to 328 E . Main St ., Louisville , KY 40202 .
JANUARY 2017 7