Bert Guinn , MBA , CAE
The Interim Meeting of the American Medical Association ( AMA ) was held in November in Orlando . Doctors attended from all over the United States , coming together to debate and tackle important issues in order to provide guidance and points of ethics to the medical profession , as well as to advise our national government and other organizations who look to the AMA as the overall physician collective in our country . The House of Delegates debates a large number of resolutions and ultimately decides on AMA policy . Immediate Past GLMS Board Chair , Bruce Scott , MD , is a Delegate and the current AMA Vice Speaker of the House . It is an amazing sight to witness his knowledge and command of the proper rules of order while balancing it in real time with ensuring fairness , comprehension of the myriad of issues and guiding hundreds of physicians through a democratic process of healthy debate and resolution .
Kentucky has very high membership in our local and state medical societies , yet continues to have low membership in the AMA . Despite relatively low AMA membership , Kentucky , and Louisville in particular , now have quite a bit of representation in the AMA . In addition to Dr . Scott ’ s position , GLMS has the following AMA representatives : John Roberts , MD , ( Chair , Academic Physicians Section Governing Council ), Bob Couch , MD , MBA , ( Alt . Delegate ), Frank Burns , MD , ( Delegate ), and Rob Zaring , MD , MMM ( Alt . Delegate ).
Some individual physicians say that they don ’ t believe the AMA has represented them well over the years . Others feel better about that representation . It ’ s certainly not a perfect system , but it is a democratic one . As an association , the AMA is currently being recognized as a very well run organization . In fact , APCO Worldwide , a well-known public relations firm , recently ranked the AMA first in its annual list of the 50 most effective professional associations nationwide , across all economic sectors , not just health care . The ranking takes into account how well an association builds coalitions , communicates with stakeholders , mobilizes members and works across partisan lines .
The AMA has also been nationally praised for its work to address the opioid epidemic and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has recommended AMA digital tools in its rule-making process . These tools include the Quality Payment Program Model Evaluator , an “ action kit ” to help physicians with the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act ( MACRA ), and the STEPS Forward collection of practice improvement modules .
Nonetheless , Kentucky , despite its relatively large delegation , is losing one of its delegates in the coming year as a result of decreased AMA membership throughout the state .
At the Interim Meeting , challenging issues were debated and addressed such as taking stronger stances against female mutilation while fully considering cultural and religious sensitivities . Hearing strong debate from passionate physicians on heavy issues is amazing to witness . Most physicians feel they have a higher calling and main-