Several GLMS physicians spoke passionately about the bills they
supported including Mary Helen Davis, MD; At-Large Board
Member Brian Sosnin, DO; GLMS Secretary Mona Tailor, MD;
Vaughn Payne MD; Susan Bornstein, MD, KMA Board Chair
Randy Schrodt, MD, and more. A full description of the GLMS
resolutions may be found at under the “Advocate
for my Practice” Tab.
At the KMA Annual Meeting, Nancy Swikert, MD, was elected
KMA President and GLMS’ own Bruce Scott, MD, was re-elected as
KMA Speaker of the House. Other officers include President-Elect
Maurice Oakley, MD (Ashland), Vice President Brent Wright, MD
(Glasgow) and Secretary-Treasurer Linda Gleis, MD.
As legislative opportunities and challenges continue to impact the
practice of our physicians, KMA and GLMS work in solidarity for
our physician members. This year has offered several great examples
of that partnership.
For instance, the GLMS Policy & Advocacy Team is constantly
working to build relationships between legislators and physicians.
Never has that been more true than in the last 12 months. Dozens
of physicians attended the KMA’s Physicians’ Day at the Capitol
and emphatically pushed for changes they want to see that would
benefit their patients, and make caring for them less of a bureaucracy.
That continued relationship with lawmakers has paid off, as im-
portant legislation passed the Kentucky Congress this year regarding
Tort Reform and Smoking Cessation. GLMS and KMA also lent a
voice to House Bill 333, which cracks down on the use of the dan-
gerous drug Fentanyl and limits opioid prescriptions. Visit www. for summaries and highlights of the 2017 legislative session.
encouraged those in attendance to use the event as a springboard
for the changes we want to see. “We are committed to protecting the
patient-physician relationship and eliminating barriers for patient
care,” Dr. Burns said.
Our physicians are making strides nationally as well. GLMS lead-
ership visited the 2017 AMA Advocacy Conference in Washington
D.C. and spoke to Senator Rand Paul, Representative John Yarmuth
and other lawmakers about the issues facing Kentucky, including
the colossal fight against substance abuse. GLMS is committed to
bettering the world of health care, from the halls of Congress in
D.C. to the streets of downtown Louisville.
Thank you to each and every physician who embraces membership
in the Greater Louisville Medical Society. We couldn’t be what we
are without the direction and leadership of our physician members.
It’s been 125 years since GLMS was born. As you lead at the local,
state and national levels to the best of your abilities, we will continue
to serve you to the best of ours.
Please join us on May 21, 2017, as we celebrate all these accom-
plishments and prepare for a whole new year with our incoming
president Robert Zaring, MD, MMM. The 2017 Presidents’ Cel-
ebration will take place at 328 E. Main St and Louisville Slugger
Aaron Burch is the communications specialist for the Greater Louis-
ville Medical Society.
Just as the 2017 session began in Frankfort, the Policy & Advoca-
cy Team put on a stellar Legislative Reception at the new Angel’s
Envy Distillery just one block away from the Medical Society. There,
lawmakers and physicians spoke face-to-face and addressed issues
that have a huge impact on patient care. P&A Chair Dr. Frank
Burns thanked the GLMS Foundation for sponsoring the event and
MAY 2017