She ’ s one reason Passport is the top-ranked Medicaid MCO in Kentucky .
We can give you 23,483 * more .
Passport Health Plan is the only providersponsored , community-based Medicaid plan operating within the commonwealth . So , it ’ s no coincidence that Passport has the highest NCQA ( National Committee for Quality Assurance ) ranking of any Medicaid MCO in Kentucky .
Our providers make the difference .
* Passport ’ s growing network of providers now includes 3,720 primary care physicians , 14,014 specialists , 131 hospitals , and 5,619 other health care providers .
Ratings are compared to NCQA ( National Committee for Quality Assurance ) national averages and from information submitted by the health plans .
MARK-51677 | APP _ 11 / 16 / 2015
HOW OLD IS YOUR ROSTER PHOTO ? Take advantage of a special deal and move into the 21st Century
Hollie Colwick Photography is currently offering a discount for GLMS members .
Business portraits for GLMS physicians are a specially discounted rate at the Hollie Colwick Photography Studio . Digital copies and prints are available at a variety of reasonable prices .
For more information , email holliecolwick @ gmail . com and mention GLMS !
www . holliecolwick . com holliecolwick @ gmail . com