Louisville Medicine Volume 64 Issue 1, | Page 23

With a full time neonatal practice, including night/weekend call, attending on pediatric services, and his obligations in medical education, it is amazing that John had time for anything else. However, I can testify that he took on more than his fair share in childcare and household chores. In fact, after the birth of our first child, he became the family cook. We decided that I would breastfeed the children, and as a result I was often “tied up” during food preparation time. John took over and has become an excellent chef. The family is always excited to see what he has prepared and wary of my rare efforts in the kitchen. Now that we are empty-nesters, he continues to spoil me with outstanding meals and packed lunches. As he has developed his mastery of cooking, he has become more and more of a “foodie” and enjoys trying new restaurants. There is nothing on a menu that he will not try! He has been a very “hands on” father, spending much of his free time with the children at their school and sport activities. He loves to travel and most vacations have involved the entire family. Sightseeing, cruises and beach vacations have been interspersed with biking, skiing, white water rafting, scuba and horseback riding trips. We found time to visit our kids when they were studying abroad, as well. John has been an outstanding role model for our children, imparting his core values of integrity, honesty and compassion. We have five very accomplished young people, of whom he is very proud. Tadd, 34, is an emergency room physician at Jewish, University and Jewish South. Blair, 31, has a PhD. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Princeton and is currently pursuing a postdoctoral position in the field of animal behavior. Paige, 29, graduated from Auburn Veterinary Medical College in 2015 and is a small animal and exotics veterinarian in Morgantown, West Virginia. Brooke, 25, has an art degree with post graduate training at Washington University and recently opened a letter press business in Louisville. Dane, 23, is a 2015 chemistry/computer science graduate of Tufts University and now works as a software developer in Boulder, Colorado. John has guided each of our children as they have pursued their dreams and faced personal challenges. Our three gay offspring have benefited from his unwavering support, and we were proud to witness when Tadd and his husband became the first same-sex couple to be legally married in the state of Kentucky following the SCOTUS decision in June, 2015. He has been a loving, devoted husband as well. I have been able to have a busy productive career while being an engaged mom and wife, largely because of his love and full support of my choices. You should know that John has a quick wit, although he is often more “punny” than funny! He also loves music of all kinds, from classical to country, pop and jazz. He does not sing, with the exception of his surprise serenade of 150 wedding guests at our daughter’s wedding! After his rendition of “Sunrise, Sunset”, there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. He loves the Louisville Orchestra, the Pops, and is a strong supporter of Actors’ Theater and the Broadway Series. Many of our free evenings are spent at one or another of these venues. John has enjoyed Leadership Louisville as preparation for his role as GLMS President and is looking forward to the coming year. I know that he will bring to it the same enthusiasm and work ethic that he applies to everything he does. He will challenge us all to be as committed to the mission of our organization as he is. JUNE 2016 21