GLMS and KMA have continued to take an active role in improving the future of medicine . That means making the bipartisan voices of our physicians heard at the local , state and national levels . The GLMS Policy and Advocacy Team worked tenaciously this year to build relationships and have a greater voice in the decisions affecting practices .
The P & A Team reached out to state representatives on several health care issues including Fair Contracting with insurers , Maintenance of Certification regulation , Board of Medical Licensure appointees and Smoke-Free Kentucky . Many physicians visited Frankfort in person to talk with their legislators directly during the KMA ’ s Physicians ' Day at the Capitol . GLMS physicians could be seen on every floor of the Capitol Annex Building , meeting with as many legislators as possible to discuss the health care issues which mattered most .
Following the meetings , GLMS hosted a “ Taste of Louisville ” Legislative Reception at Berry Hill Mansion . Physicians and lawmakers met over Louisville-centric food and drinks including hot browns and bourbon . Thanks to the incredible efforts of the highly energized GLMS P & A Team , the 2016 legislative session was one of the most productive of all time with several priority bills passing in both houses of the Kentucky General Assembly . See the GLMS website for a full rundown of the highlights from the 2016 session . This year will go down in history as a major victory for organized medicine .
At the national level , Drs . Robert Couch , Bruce Scott and John Roberts visited Washington DC with Exec . Vice President Bert Guinn to participate in the AMA National Advocacy Conference . While there , the group met with Kentucky Legislators to discuss the nationwide issues of burdensome and problematic Meaningful Use requirements and opioid abuse including : Sen . Mitch McConnell , Sen . Rand Paul , Rep . Brett Guthrie , Rep . John Yarmuth , Rep . Thomas Massie , Rep . Ed Whitfield , Rep . Andy Barr , and Rep . Hal Rogers .
Our physicians continue to lead Kentucky medicine in new and exciting directions thanks to their unwavering commitment to better health care for all patients . Through education , outreach and advocacy , we intend to uphold our standards and improve ourselves and those around us .
To learn more about the work GLMS is doing , please join us for the year ’ s final event , the annual Presidents ’ Celebration , taking place at The Healing Place Women ’ s Campus on May 22 . We ’ ll welcome our incoming president Dr . John Roberts and learn more about addiction and recovery in Louisville through the art of Keith Auerbach , MD and interaction with recovering adults in THP program .
Thank you so much to the physicians who make our work possible . GLMS will continue to serve you to the best of our abilities , but it is you who make us the best we can be . Being your staff is a great honor and privilege . We can ’ t wait to see what the future holds .
Aaron Burch is the communications specialist for the Greater Louisville Medical Society .
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