skills and principles. Following this year’s event, GLMS made a new threeyear pledge totaling $18,000 to remain U of L’s main partner in the program.
GLMS members who volunteered include:
Robert Couch, MD, MBA
John Roberts, MD
James Patrick Murphy, MD, MMM
J. Wesley Sublett, MD
Transitioning from a resident to a practicing physician is monumental,
but GLMS is also present in the lives of UofL students when they take their
first step into residency. Each year, UofL School of Medicine seniors visit the
Old Medical School Building for Match Day, one of the biggest moments
in their young careers. The event, hosted by the GLMS Foundation, serves
as a bridge between where the students have been and where they’re going.
Witnessing the residents open their Match Letters from residence programs
is one of the most emotionally charged events in the city.
Each year, the GLMS Foundation is active in touching people’s lives in a
variety of ways. Leading and serving the organization for decades has been
respected pediatrician and former Kosair Children’s Hospital Medical Director
Richard Wolf, MD, who helped restore the Old Medical School Building in
the 1970s and 1980s, and captivated GLMS members and visitors with his
efforts to collect art and form the Wolf Art Gallery which decorates GLMS
headquarters today. A party honoring Dr. Wolf was held at the Old Medical
School Building on April 26. During the celebration, it was revealed that the
building’s Walnut Room would be renamed to the Richard S. Wolf, MD,
Walnut Room in his honor.
Established in 1958, the GLMS Foundation, currently led by Foundation
President Thomas Reichard, MD, impacts the community through its mission.
The first part of the mission is Preservation of the Old Medical School
Building. Since the building’s renovation, the Foundation has kept it active
all these years by renting office space and hosting countless events, not to
mention utilizing it as home of the GLMS. This year, the building’s Museum
Room was dedicated to the memory of GLMS Past President Walter S. Coe,
MD, by his son and daughter-in-law, Walter R. (Randy) and Christe Coe.
The second goal of the Foundation is medical mission trips. By collaborating
with Hand in Hand Ministries to sponsor an annual health mission to
Managua, Nicaragua, the Foundation has helped to build a new medical
health system in the disadvantaged region by bringing much needed supplies
and health services.
The GLMS Foundation works relentlessly to improve the quality of life for
those in Louisville as well by collaborating with numerous charitable partners
including Supplies Over Sea