Louisiana Rubber Down Magazine November Vol. 12 | Page 4

A WORD FROM THE EDITOR Hello to all my friends! W ell I’m back!! I am very happy to be part of this magazine. As you know, Kent Hunter and I started this rag back in Oct 2012. We wanted to give bikers a chance to read a real biker magazine. Well, things shifted in Nov. of 2012 when Kent and I disappeared from the magazine. Some other guy took it over and he didn’t last very long. The last Editor started out doing well but, through the months of her leadership, the magazine was brought down to a level that some people called “sleazy”. That was said to me by many of our current and prospective advertisers. I do not have a problem in putting Bikini clad gals in the rag, but too much is too much. In the coming months we will have our calendar gal graceing our INFORMATION calendar (why have a calendar with no events posted DUH?) New events, new columns and lots of bikes will be added. This is a biker rag, not a girlie magazine. This next change will be for lady riders, HOT DUDES on a bike. Ladies, I hope you will like this addition. Guys, turn your head! Some of the other changes will be, a free 1/4 page color ad for any biker related 501.C3 organization or a worthy cause for a downed biker family. This will be first come, first served on a availability basis subject to approval. Photos of pets up for adoption from local animal shelters, up to date jokes (not canned like other rags) from some of my sick friends, a “bitch “column where I want to hear from you, good or bad. A Biker Beard contest is also in the planning stages. If you have any more ideas, please email me with your suggestions. A Veterans Corner with up to date info for our vets. Remember I am a 25 year US Navy veteran. I am proud to have served and I want to help our brothers and sisters. Safety tips from one of the best instructors with HDNO. Lots of other articles that will come up in the near future. I want to make this rag #1 in the area. As of now, we will distribute about 150 miles out from New Orleans. But in the very near future I plan to branch out all over the state and then to the entire USA. Yes, I have big dreams, but it will take a team (TEAM STANDS FOR T. together E. everyone A. accomplishes M. more). Rubber Down prides itself on operating with honesty, fair prices and great representatives. I will not stand for incompetence. Mistakes happen, that is why erasers and white out were invented, but making them over and over will not happen on my watch. So let me know what you think. Send me an email or call. I want all our riders to be a part of this magazine. Always remember, “KEEP THE RUBBER SIDE DOWN & THE SHINY SIDE UP” 124 North Hollywood Rd. Houma, LA COME SHARE IN OUR SPECIAL MILITARY TRIBUTE EVERY FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT BILLIARDS - DARTS KARAOKE ON FRIDAYS DRINK SPECIALS - 2 for 1 Well til 10 PM Owners: Benjamin & Sherry Badon Free 1/4 Ad for a 501. c3 Organization or Benefit for a downed biker. Subject to approval and availiability. ONLY 1 AD PER MONTH, 1st Come 1st Served Articles, Bikes, Events, Stories, Ads, Questions, Letters, and Comments can all be emailed at [email protected] for submissions in the magazine. by: Uncle Jerry Editor-in-Chief Got an Event or Story to tell...? Contact Uncle Jerry a t (504)231-0266 In an effort to keep the calendar and all local event information available to our readers and you, the riders, please email Rubber Down magazine with all your events and rides. We will publish your events as long as it comes in a timely manner. All events received after the 23/24 of the month, will be published the next month. https://www. facebook.com/louisianarubberdown RUBBER DOWN MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2013 PAGE 4