Louisiana Rubber Down Magazine November Vol. 12 | Page 3

STAFF UNCLE JERRY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF [email protected] (504)231-0266 BRADLEY MEDINA GRAPHIC DESIGNER [email protected] JOY SCHILLING SALES REP Algiers, Placquemine Parish, St. Bernard Parish [email protected] (504)912-3614 KIRK GROS SALES REP Jefferson Parish [email protected] (504)382-1203 MELANIE SALES REP Lafayette and Surrounding Areas [email protected] (337)277-4474 L. PATTERSON INTERNET SALES [email protected] KAREN “SLOWROLL” WILLIAMS SALES REP Houma and Surrounding Areas [email protected] (504)401-0932 BRUCE Le BLANC OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER Rubber Down Magazine ® is Trade Marked and may not be used in any way, shape, or form without the written consent from Rubber Down Publishing. Rubber Down LLC of Louisiana and its publishers reserve all rights. No part of its content may be reproduced without written permission. Publisher and owner assumes no responsibility and is not to be held liable for errors beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error: slander of any individual, group, failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond our control, any and all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the policy of Rubber Down magazine, its publishers, owners or its printers. Publisher, and owner of Rubber Down Magazine does not promote the abuse of alcohol or any and all drugs. “Keep the shiny side up and the rubber down”. Thank-you, Rubber Down, and Louisiana Rubber Down Magazine. Cover Photo(s) (Top) Cover Photo by Mark Engelbrecht “USA Flag 1” You can find more of his photos at http://www.flickr.com/people/93751689@N04/ (Edge) fioletta-stock “Autumn Leaf 32” (Bottom) Cover Photo by Michael Arrighi “BMW circa WW2, National Geographic Expedition, 65th D-Day Anniversay Tour, at Arromanches” Modren replica BMW You can find more of his photos at http://www.flickr.com/people/arrighi/ Sales Reps Needed Get Paid to be a biker and do something you love. Rubber Down Magazine is hiring Sales Staff F/T or P/ T for the following areas. Orleans Parish Alexandria & Surrounding Areas Baton Rouge & Surrounding Areas Hammond & Ponchatoula St. Johns, St. James, St. Charles Parishes Houma/Thibodeaux & Surrounding Areas If you have a Cell Phone Decent Camera(cell phone ok) Basic Computer Skills Biker Enthusiast (Bike Not Needed) Sales Experience Preferred, but will train. If you checked YES to all of the above call me today or email me. “Uncle Jerry” Editor-in-Charge (504)231-0266 [email protected] RUBBER DOWN MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2013 PAGE 3