Los Gurues Financieros más Seguidos Top 5 traders forex | Page 2
Andrew Krieger
A graduate of the prestigious Wharton Business
School at the University of Pennsylvania, Andre
w grew to fame when he sold New Zealand curr
ency called Kiwi in between the value of $600
million to about $1 billion which exceeded the
money supply in circulation in actuality within N
ew Zealand at that time. Andrew ended up garn
ering $300 million in revenue from this transacti
on alone in 1987 while working at the Bankers T
Andrew moved on to work for Soros Manageme
nt Fund in 1988, later switching to Northbridge
Capital Management. He is also involved in phil
anthropic work, having donated over $350,000
for a relief fund for the 2004 tsunami victims.