London Contacts Issue 71 | Page 29

escort , not only can you keep things in perspective easier , you also know she has no vested interest in telling your wife , causing drama in your personal life or otherwise jeopardising the relationship you have with the woman you love . An escort , for the most part , knows that much of her clientele are committed to other relationships . She won ’ t email you , call you on your cell phone or flag you down from across the street if you happen to run into her while out & about with the family . Discretion should be a major factor in your extramarital activities and that is exactly what an escort both provides and expects .
Seeing escorts provides variety . The grass is greener is a problem that every man is prone to fall for . Men have a biological urge to be with as many women as possible . When you ’ re having affairs , bouncing back and forth between different women outside of your marriage , it ’ s just a matter of time before it blows up in your face . On the other hand , if you ’ re discreet with escorts you can literally see 100 ’ s of them with out better half suspecting anything .
Your wife would appreciate you seeing an escort over having an affair . This might sound strange , but it ’ s the truth . If you ’ ve ever been cheated on then you have 1000 ’ s of questions running through your mind . You want to know who , what , when , where , how , why , how long , how much and much more . The bottom line is to know that you ’ ve been having sex with a colleague from the office for the past two years hurts a lot more than the fact that you ’ ve been seeing escorts .
You can rationalise this by understanding , when you have an affair your wife will assume that there was something nonsexual lacking from your relationship that you sought in another relationship . With an escort you can tell her that you never kissed them , you never had unprotected sex and no one else ever knew about it . You save her embarrassment and you make it a completely sexual encounter . I ’ m not going to say that she ’ ll be okay with it , but believe me , it does hurt a lot less than a full out affair .
Hopefully after reading the above you ’ ll understand and see the benefits of seeing escorts when you ’ re a married man . There are additional tips like always pay in cash and always use a hotel or incall . And always make sure you still take care of business at home . Make love to your wife like nothing has changed . If you sleep with your wife 3 times a week and then all of the sudden no longer have an urge , she may not automatically draw the conclusion that you ’ ve been seeing escorts , but it will change the dynamics of your relationship for the worse .
If done right , all parties are satisfied , and there is no drama .