London Contacts Issue 71 | Page 28

Seeing An Escort vs . Having An Affair Or A One-Night Stand .

It ’ s natural for a man to desire to be with women other than his girlfriend , partner or wife . You can be a loving husband , a caring father and a good person but when you see that 18 year old in a mini skirt walking down the street , it leads your mind to other places .
A lot of men try to suppress these feelings due to guilt , loyalty and society ’ s standards and expectations of married men . However no matter how hard you fight your natural urges , sometimes they win . In modern society over 50 % of marriages end in divorce . Both men and women are inclined to cheat and so if you ’ ve come to the conclusion that you need to cheat , your options are either to have an affair or to see an escort . I will make my case for why seeing an escort is a better option .
Before we look at the benefits , though , let ’ s put some context around the whole business of seeing an escort . New research drawing on a large-scale London representative sample of men shows that frequenting escorts is not actually all that unusual in the UK .
About 60 per-cent of British men said they paid for sex at some point in their lives , and 45 % per-cent said they visited an escort in the past year , according to the study .
More distinct characteristics , however , emerge among avid customers of escorts who self-identify as “ punters ” and post on message boards that review escort girls . A survey of men in this online community revealed that a substantial portion of them are married , white , earn
26 over £ 50,000 per year , have graduate degrees and think about sex more ( and feel less guilty about it ), compared with other groups of men , including those who have been arrested for hiring prostitutes on the street .
With this in mind , let ’ s look at the pros and cons of seeing an escort versus having an affair or one night stand .
No strings attached with escorts . If you ’ re having an affair , it ’ s only natural for your mistress or girlfriend on the side to eventually want to settle down with you . It ’ s nearly impossible for a woman to remain as a mistress to a man unless it ’ s for money . Eventually she will begin to apply pressure and things can get really messy . When you ’ re getting involved in an affair that lasts longer than a couple months with a mistress , you are eventually going to have to decide which relationship you want to stick with . If you ’ re lucky , the losing party doesn ’ t jeopardise your relationship with the other and expose your infidelity out of spite . Don ’ t get me wrong , it ’ s not just the women who fall head over heels for a man – it ’ s a two way street . When you see an escort it ’ s usually much easier to keep your relationship with them in perspective . When you have a mistress on the side , you could be perfectly in love with your wife and love your children , but the sex , the cute things your mistress does , the differences between her and your wife , they can call get you thinking that the grass might be greener on the other side .
Seeing escorts when you ’ re married On the other hand when you ’ re seeing an