London and Surrey News & Views - Summer 12 issues per year | Page 5

Sussex – Mark O’Shea and Martin Osment This year AmicusHorizon will be re-tendering the responsive repairs contracts. Residents will be working with them to ensure successful applicants continue to deliver excellent customer service for our residents. “Since becoming Chair of Sussex RAMP last autumn, I’ve set up, with the help of the Sussex staff, a Debating Group that meet in-between formal RAMP meetings. It means we can explore repair issues in more depth than the RAMP agenda allows. It also means we can make more-considered judgements and decisions, taking our ability to drive improvement to services further than ever before. Look out for the neighbourhood focus days we’ll be holding over the summer months, it would be great to meet you and hear your feedback. Remember the AmicusHorizon website has details of all the Repairs and Maintenance Panel (RAMP) meeting dates. These meetings are open to the public and you’re welcome to come along and observe. If you have an issue you wish us to debate, please get in touch via Karen Earl on 0800 121 60 60. Thank you!” London – Margaret and Andrew Ashmead and Janette Bryan Creed “We were elected as Chair and Vice chair of London RAMP in September 2014 having been members of the panel for some years. We’re passionate about improving performance and making sure residents receive an excellent standard of service. The Panel has worked hard over the last year scrutinising our contractor’s performance to ensure they maintain high standards when carrying out repairs in our resident’s homes.” “We’ve been Chair and Vice Chair of Kent RAMP for just over a year and have seen many improvements. All members have volunteered to attend regular progress meetings with at least one contractor and they feed back to RAMP on a regular basis. We also invite new contractors to attend RAMP.  - 0800 121 60 60   Kent Allan Smith We’re impressed with the attitude of the contractors we work with, especially through ‘giving something back’ and apprenticeship schemes. This year at Kent RAMP we’ll scrutinise a range of information, including performance and Resident Monitor feedback. We’ll be at some of the summer events again this year, so look forward to meeting some of you there.”  - [email protected]   - 5