LOLHSC Volume 1 May. 2013 | Page 3




a good and a bad thing. You MUST make it a good thing if you want band 6's. This means having a schedule for what your going to study and when, getting the correct amount of sleep, eating properly and having the resources needed to complete your study.

3. Make sure you have band 6 quality resources

When it comes to study, whether you are answering review questions, writing essayings or completing multiple choice, you really need the most comprehensive notes you can find in order to actually be learning the content required.

Especially in subjects such as Legal Studies, up to date and contemporary knowledge is a must This doesn't come by using the top students notes from the previous year, moreso having your own with current and up to date information.


Over the weeks before the exams you will have a lot of time to study. This means that you need to balance this with exercise and leisure activies. Your hardest challenge will be ensuring this doesn't turn into hours and hours of procrastination!

Having a group of friends to hang out with, or if your 18 spending a night out in the city can be the stress relief that allows you to get a renewed focus and determination for even better study the next day!

5. Don't be afraid to ask

What I mean by this is to ask your teachers for help, use your librarians to find books on your course and ask other students to explain things to you!

Without this, you won't get the band 6's your dreaming of.

That's pretty much it from me. If you have more questions don't be afraid to email us at [email protected].


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Make notes

Having a comprehensive set of notes puts you ahead of anyone else doing last minute note creation!

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Use our video explanations available online to help to your study and understanding

Work as a class

Using everyone in your class to gather resources and to collectively increase marks is a must!