Logo Design Brief Template Logo Design Brief Template | Page 2

Logo Design Brief Template Introduction This document has been designed to help us to develop a clear understanding of your logo design requirements. Please provide this information in as much detail as possible to enable us to clearly understand your requirements and, therefore, create a logo that is aligned with your goals, values and ethos, focused on your target market and supported throughout your organisation. 1. About You 1.1 Business Name: 1.2 Trading Name(s): 1.3 Company Number: (if appropriate) 1.3 VAT Number: (if appropriate): 1.4 Trading Address: 1.5 Telephone Number(s): 1.6 e-mail Address(es): 1.7 Web Site Address(es): © Copyright BlueIce Brands 2015, All Rights Reserved T: 0141 356 2242 W: www.blueicebrands.co.uk E: [email protected]