Lockerbie Academy News Release: Induction Week June 2013 | Page 4

S1 Teachers Testify!

At Lockerbie Academy we students of S3 have been interviewing your new registration teachers for the next school year to come. We have asked questions that we thought would be appropriate and that you would want to know. We interviewed Miss Reid, Miss Jones and Mrs Watson who will be taking 1B, 1E and 1H

Firstly, we asked if the teachers were going to be strict with ties like they were with us. Miss Reid replied, “Yes, I will be a lot stricter with my new S1 class than I was with my S5 class. Planners should be signed every week”. Mrs Jones said, “I will be strict with ties and planners, de-merits will be issued if they fail to get their planner signed.” Mrs Watson said, “I will be strict about their ties and planners also if planners are not signed demerits will be given out.” So the message about ties and planners is pretty clear we think!

“I’m quite excited about it! It will be a big change, but I am looking forward to having a class that I will be with for 5 years and I think some of the pupils from my last form class will be helping as S6 Buddies, which will be lovely as well.”

There will be six S1 form classes in 2013-2014

1AMrs Bartlett

1BMiss Reid

1CMr Hannah1DMr Johnstone

1EMrs Watson1H Mrs Jones

“I’m really looking forward to meeting my class on Monday."

Mrs Watson

Mrs Jones