Local Mapping of EPGs EN Mentor Guide EN | Page 34



‣ Social Start Up Identity
This begins with a name and logo which should be discussed and agreed upon before the next session:
1. Name: the social start up will carry this name for a very long time and possibly forever! Therefore, choose it wisely and make sure that it reflects the members, their shared vision, idea and future. Some examples of types of names include: a. Acronym: an abbreviation of a phrase or title that reflect the company. Examples here include IBM and AOL b. Descriptive Name: proper nouns that describe what the product / service is about or what it does c. Personal or Family Name: in some cultures this is very popular. Examples include Ford and Koch. d. Senseless Name: a made up word that has no meaning, but may be memorable. Examples include: Ebay, Google, and Skype e. Unrelated Name: a real word that is not related to the product or service offered. Examples include: Apple, Amazon, and Lotus
The name you choose should be: � Brief and catchy � Creative and new � Easy to remember � Easy to pronounce � Legal � National / international � The „. com ‟, twitter handle and Facebook page should all be available for it � Timeless instead of trendy � Unambiguous on Google