Local Mapping of EPGs EN Local mapping of EPGs EN | Page 31

3 . Clear rules and consistency in the application of those rules , because by not respecting the rules can derive enormous damage to the reputation of the entire movement of solidarity groups ( resale , smuggling , illegal trade on the public spaces , cheating consumers by selling conventional products under the eco-label , etc .).
At the second meeting , which took place on 29 and 30 November 2014 in Praprot ( GorskiKotar ), the differences have culminated and the participants decided to vote for the acceptance of the decisions and rules ( also including directives defined in Dalj ). View the lack of a system for the acceptance of the decisions and of a system for the functioning of the network , having the aim to coordinate the EPGs . After Praprot , there occurred the split of the groups ’ Šijana , Rojc , Osijek and Visnjan from the Ethic Purchasing Groups , to become Ecological Solidarity Groups ( ESG ). The mentioned solidarity groups have also brought a common regulation that regulates the functioning of the ESGs – Ecological Solidarity Groups and of the ESMs - Ecological Solidarity Markets .
At the meeting-workshop of EPGs and ESGs , which occurred in January 2015 , it was tried to find points in common between the two kinds of groups . Moreover , a common name : Solidarity Groups ( SG ), as a condition for the creation of a common network - the Network of solidarity Groups , which can take part both members of the EPGs and members of the ESGs , as well as members of other similar models , such as the RIS ( RazmjenaiSolidarnost - Exchange and solidarity ) started in Bjelovar and Varazdin .
For the ESGs , it has been of fundamental importance the definition of clear and precise rules . This to differentiate themselves from the various groups that work on the interests and principles of various types and with diverse systems such as web shop ( as with the Zagreb group " Plac ") or simpler Facebook groups that unite people that together order product of any type and origin . What is most important of all within the ESGs is to agree the production in advance , and thereby encourage local production , the expansion of awareness on environmental protection , ecological production , the creation of solidly relationships , the sense of community and thus the enrichment of the local society as a whole .
One purpose of the ESGs is to spread the idea through the formation of new groups in new places and in new local communities , to create the basic premises for the development of new producers , helping the formation of such groups through mentoring . The idea is , in