Source : https :// www . google . com / fusiontables / embedviz ? q = select + col2 + from + 1UYDwOD5B9NSZXKRSFIETH2SK13eRUZdvSLFAZRM & viz = M AP & h = false & lat = 44.611994353217305 & lng = 16.29886545312502 & t = 1 & z = 7 & l = col2 & y = 2 & tmplt = 3 & hml = GEOCODABLE
The widening of the number of groups has also increased the differences between them . At first , the differences in operating principles were not so great , but they were glaring differences in the practical application and the consistency of those principles . It was at this point that , in June 2014 , at the meeting of EPGs that took place in Dalj , near Osijek , we tried to get to common guidelines . From the meeting there were obtained the following three basic guidelines :
1 . The legality of trade and producers ' sales . Pula , Rovinj and Osijek have resolved the issue of the legality of trade organizing ecological markets , under which exchanges are made . Most of the remaining EPGs make exchanges in various places , such as car parks , supermarkets , etc ., attracting negative attention of the audience . A proposal to solve this problem has been to prohibit the use of money on the street and to limit the trade to exchanges .
2 . The collaboration with manufacturers , the planning and the agreement with consumers about the production , the aid to producers through volunteering and accreditation ( prepayment ) and the control above producers , since in practice there have been many cases of misuse of the rules and that the only trust is not enough , because you run the risk to harm the remaining producers with a certain quality .