areas still exist farmers , and not just agricultural equipment , as in many developed lands . If we analyse the details , it turns out that 34,000 hectares of areas for which was released the ecologic label , about 100 hectares are horticulturists , and these are precisely those thatfavour the development of ecological agriculture and sustainability , fundamental for the functioning of our eco system .
• MORAL PRODUCERS : producers must ensure that they act properly with their employees / workers . It is useless to show solidarity with a small farmer who exploits others . The only effort to grow food in an environmentally friendly way is itself a moral act . Therefore , you can evaluate the following farmers as worthy : those that test new sustainable methods for working the land or who appreciate the old ones ; those who own or maintain seed banks of the ancient species of crops or keeping farm animals almost disappeared . Belong to the category also the artisans who strive to preserve skills and traditions into disuse , trampled by the global market . The moral producers , therefore , not only sell their products , but also the mode of production and in general all the benefits that are preserved in this productive context . Ecological farmers , then , are moral by definition , because they respect the principles of their land and think responsibly about how it has been passed down by our ancestors and that the land herself should be preserved for those who will inhabit our planet in the future .
• LOCAL PRODUCERS : a necessary condition for any producer is to be located and to work near the group that intends to support him . This helps to decrease environmental pollution , because of the transport of the goods , which in this case is short . The producer that is part of the group has the desire and time to explain to the consumer the production cycle .
• DECREASED PACKING : it is preferable to decrease or even eliminate the product packaging , where possible . In this way , the amount of garbage is reduced , but also the price of the final product tends to decrease . When you manage to organize the regular purchase of products , it is easy to agree for the packaging to be returned to the manufacturer after every delivery . The baskets or fabric bags are returned to the producers of vegetables , bottles to producers of oil , wine or milk , jars to the producers of marmalade , etc .
You may notice that some of the criteria listed above are contradictory . However , the reasons are different and each group , in the end , decide what rules are most important and what the exceptions to these rules are . To buy products by carrying the described selection becomes easy thanks to the groups . It would be very difficult for a consumer to be able to make such a selection of products during its usual outlay . This is about not only time and