� when inspected , be able to show where the food contact materials came from . Bacteria and food poisoning
To keep food safe from bacteria , you should follow the HAACP plan . Bacteria that cause serious health problems are :
� E . coli O157 and campylobacter ;
� Salmonella , especially with the storage and handling of eggs .
Food hygiene training Employers are responsible for staff hygiene training . It can be either a formal training programme or an informal one . For example , on the job training or self study .
Food allergies If you are a food retailer or caterer , you need to manage food allergies when preparing and selling food .
Food inspections
You can be inspected by specific national authorities according to national or international laws / directives / regulations at any point in the food production and distribution process .
3 . Food Quality
Food quality represents the internal ( e . g . chemical , physical , microbial ) and external ( e . g . appearance , texture and flavor ) characteristics of food that are acceptable to consumers . Food quality is an important food manufacturing requirement , because food consumers are susceptible to any form of contamination that may occur during the manufacturing process . Besides ingredient quality , there are also sanitation requirements . Food quality also deals with product traceability , e . g . ingredients and packaging suppliers , should a recall of the product be required . It also deals with labelling issues to ensure there is correct ingredient and nutritional information .
One of the most important aspects that underline food quality is its recognition amongst stakeholders . The recognition mentioned is due to norms that describe the food product ; these norms are used as standard references in product certification processes by independent Certification Bodies .
4 . Certification
At its simplest , conformity assessment means checking that products , materials , services , systems or people measure up to the specifications of a relevant standard . For example , a customer may check that the product ordered from a supplier meets the purpose for which it is required . One of the most efficient ways to do this is when the specifications of the product have been defined in an International Standard . That way , both supplier and customer are on the same wavelength , even if they are based in different countries , because they are both using the same references .