Local Mapping of EPGs EN Handbook EN | Page 69

‣ Food Safety , Hygiene , Quality and Certification :
1 . Food Safety
If your social enterprise deals with food products you must : a ) ensurethat the food product is safe to eat ; b ) ensurethat you don ‟ t add , remove or treat the food product in a way that makes it harmful to consume ; c ) ensurethat the food product is of the quality that you have stated ; d ) ensurethat you don ‟ t mislead consumers by the way the food product is labeled , advertised or marketed ; e ) ensure traceability of the food product by keeping records on where you source the food product from and show this information when required ; f ) withdraw unsafe food products and complete an incident report ; g ) explain why the food product has been withdrawn or recalled , for example through a leaflet or poster , or through social media channels ; h ) display your food hygiene rating ( if you sell food products directly to the public );
If are used additives in the food products , you must : i ) only use approved ones ; j ) only use them if they are approved for use in the specific food product ; k ) ensure that the food additive doesn ‟ t exceed the maximum permitted level .
2 . Food Hygiene
Part of complying with food safety is managing food hygiene . This can be done through a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point ( HACCP ) Plan . This is a requirement for any organization handling and selling food , and keeps the food safe from biological , chemical and physical safety hazards .
Food Contact Materials
Materials and packaging that can be reasonably expected to come into contact with food are called „ food contact materials ‟. These include :
� packaging ;
� food processing equipment ;
� cookware ;
� worksurfaces .
To keep the food products safe for consumption :
� make sure that food contact materials don ‟ t transfer anything to the food they touch ;
� make sure that food contact materials don ‟ t change the food they touch ;