Session 5 : Production
‣ Preparations for the Mentor :
1 . Read this session and draft a plan so you know how to lead it .
2 . Prepare notes on what you expect the participants to have achieved since Session 4 . This will help you to evaluate their financial documents and their marketing implementation since Session 4 .
3 . Depending on the type of production that your social start up is focusing on , you may wish to invite a guest speaker to give a presentation about similar modes of production or best practices .
4 . Ensure that participants understand that they need to begin production soon after this session .
‣ Beginning the Session :
Explain to the participants that the purpose of this session is threefold : a . Firstly , to explore production planning and implementation b . Secondly , to review the financial documentation from the previous session c . Finally , to monitor and follow up on the social start up process and the participants ‟ involvement
1 . Explain to the participants that they have passed the half way mark of the programme so this is a good time to reflect on what has been achieved so far and what has yet to be done .
2 . Ask participants to present to you an update about their financial planning and marketing implementation since the last session .
3 . Provide feedback re the financials and the marketing implementation .
‣ Product Design :
Explain to the participants , that when designing the product , it is important to be clear about its specifications and which ones are essential and must be prioritized . Without these specifications , the product will not work .
After identifying the essential product specifications , the participants should consider and list the additional optional specifications . These can be included , but are not essential . With all these specifications clear and listed , the participants will have a clear , shared vision of their product .