‣ Social Start Up Identity
This begins with a name and logo which should be discussed and agreed upon before the next session :
1 . Name : the social start up will carry this name for a very long time and possibly forever ! Therefore , choose it wisely and make sure that it reflects the members , their shared vision , idea and future . Some examples of types of names include : a . Acronym : an abbreviation of a phrase or title that reflect the company . Examples here include IBM and AOL b . Descriptive Name : proper nouns that describe what the product / service is about or what it does c . Personal or Family Name : in some cultures this is very popular . Examples include Ford and Koch . d . Senseless Name : a made up word that has no meaning , but may be memorable . Examples include : Ebay , Google , and Skype e . Unrelated Name : a real word that is not related to the product or service offered . Examples include : Apple , Amazon , and Lotus
The name you choose should be : � Brief and catchy � Creative and new � Easy to remember � Easy to pronounce � Legal � National / international � The „. com ‟, twitter handle and Facebook page should all be available for it � Timeless instead of trendy � Unambiguous on Google
2 . Logo : as with the name , the logo will remain with the social start up possibly forever ! Therefore , it needs to memorably and effectively visually represent the social start up itself , as reflected in the chosen name , its mission , its idea , and its vision of the future . You will need to ensure that the logo will look good in both colour and black and white , and that it can be easily be resized .
3 . Values , Vision , and Mission : Combined together , the values , vision , and mission drive the social start up and its operations . These must be agreed by all participants now and then clearly communicated to all stakeholders through the marketing and operations .