Local Mapping of EPGs EN Handbook EN | Page 26

Session 1 : Starting Out
‣ Preparations for the Mentor :
1 . Read this session and draft a plan so you know how to lead the session . 2 . Complete the „ Teamwork Personality ‟ Testyourself so you ‟ ll know what the participants will be doing in this session . 3 . Prepare a 3-5 minute introduction about yourself to share with the participants . 4 . Remember to take a few minutes in this session to decide the dates for all sessions with the participants . Ensure that they insert these dates into their Business diaries .
‣ Introductions : o Introducing Yourself
‣ Start by introducing yourself as the Mentor .
‣ Share your enthusiasm for the Social Start Ups training programme and for working with the participants over the next 7 sessions .
‣ If possible , share a positive and relevant experience you have had as a mentor .
‣ Share your interests , hobbies , and social enterprise / volunteering / EPG / Start Up / Mentoring experiences . You may choose to mention situations and guidelines that have helped you in your own career development / life .
‣ Finally , share your expectations of the participants and the Social Start Ups training programme .