exercise some flexibility in the timings and modify each session as needed . Planning ahead is highly recommended to ensure that most sessions observe the expected length of time .
If you cover the allocated topic in a relatively shorter than expected period of time , then do move on to the content of the next session is the participants are happy to do so .
Depending on the topic being covered in the session and your familiarity with it , you may wish to encourage and invite colleagues who are specialists in the different relevant areas , to share their experience and expertise with the EPG members , and to offer guidance and advice as needed . However , please obtain the approval of the EPG members before doing so .
Content of the Sessions : Please familiarize yourself with the content of this Guide as it will direct you through the delivery of the 7 sessions of the Social Start Up programme . Ahead of each session , please ensure that you are clear about the expected outputs and outcomes of eachsession by reading the relevant chapter in detail . It is also important to review the agreed action points from previous sessions to be sure to follow up with the relevant EPG members as needed .
The Social Start Ups programme is hands on and action oriented so please ensure that the following materials are available for the participants ‟ use at allsessions :
1 . Participants ‟ Business Diaries ( participants should bring this with them to every session so please remind them to do so ) 2 . A4 and A3 sheets of paper and if possible , flipchart paper 3 . Table tents ( one for each participant to display their name and role on at each session ) 4 . Blue tack or masking tape to stick papers to the walls as necessary 5 . Coloured markers and felt tips 6 . Sticky notes ( preferably in different colours )
Where possible , it will be ideal to have a laptop or notebook or tablet , and to hold the sessions at a venue with an overhead projector and whiteboard / screen as well as internet access ( Wi-Fi ).