Special Chemistries
LMS Issue 3 | 2014
Arsenic Poisoning Drinking Water
he cultural history of arsenic is
fascinating. Currently, however,
arsenic is mainly considered a threat
to the health of millions of people as
it contaminates the drinking water in
many regions.
People have found uses for the
various properties of arsenic and its
compounds. Red and yellow arsenic
sulf ides were used in antiquit y as
Artists used arsenic compounds as
pigments and the first effective drug to
be used against syphilis was the arsenic
compound arsphenamine.
The best-known use of the element,
however, is as a poison in drinking
Voltammetric determination with
the scTRACE Gold is an alternative
method for the determination of toxic
arsenic in water that is much easier to
use and much less expensive.
This new, screen printed sensor can
be used without any preparation, and
measuring results are available after
only 10 minutes and the detection limit
for arsenic is well below the 10 µg/L
stipulated by the latest legislation in
the US and the EU.
The scTRACE Gold combines all
three of the electrodes needed for the
measurement in one sensor. Screen
printing makes it very affordable and it
does not need any maintenance.
Another benef it of voltammetric
measurements with the scTR ACE
Gold is the ability to discriminate
between different oxidation states of
arsenic, notably the highly toxic As(III)
and the less toxic As(V).
The scTRACE Gold can be used
with any Metrohm voltammetry measuring stand. ⚛
Metrohm SA
Contact: Ravi Issari
Tel: 011-656-2686
Email: [email protected]
Perform pH Measurements Simultaneously
rion VERSA STAR is a top-ofthe-range meter for those who
want and need the best. This range
from Thermo Scientific can meet any
potential application and measurement
need with various levels of functionality. This range of meters available from
Labotec consists of models designed
to handle any type of sample,
everyday, anywhere.
is a versatile meter
with interchangeable
modules that will change
one’s requirements, with up
to four channels to configure
any combination. Incremental
methods for ISE, auto-recognising
for polarographic or RDO optical
dissolved oxygen probes, RS 232
communication port, two USB
communication ports and two
Orion stirrer ports are
just some of
unique advantages.
Five modules are available,
namely pH/ISE, conductivity and
dissolved oxygen of pH with LogR
temperature technology, which can all
be mixed and matched as needed. ⚛
Tel: 011 315 5434
Fax: 011 315-5882
Email: [email protected]