Metrology (Calibration/Verification/Traceability)
LMS Issue 3 | 2014
Easy Testing (Just Like That!)
he ne w EZ Test
offers its users a wide
range of added features
including a full range lineup
that performs a wide variety
of testing, thanks to extended
test stokes, a range of test
speeds and a larger test space.
Testing speeds can be set
anywhere from 0.05mm/min
to 1000mm/min. Particularly
useful is a high return
speed that helps to
reduce test cycle times
during the testing of rubber and film.
A closed-front design means that
the drive mechanism is not visible from
the front of the tester. With no front
aperture, scatter from the specimens
cannot become caught in the drive
Also, the open-table design of the
lower jig clamp surface allows the
test area to be easily accessed from
three directions.
This ver y compact instr ument requires minimum space,
fits easily on tabletops and an
‘open-table’ design provides open access
from both sides of the table to ensure a
large workspace. The loaded section also
extends outwards from the front and
enlarges the workspace.
Easily connect accessories to the
table, including an extensometer for soft
materials (SES-1000), a non-contact
video extensometer (DVE-102/201) or an
automatic extensometer (SIE-560/560S).
Measurement of a wide range of testing
forces is also possible with load cell ratings
from 1/1 to 1/250 and precision of ±1% of
the indicated value.
Some of the EZ-L testing applications include:
• Rubber tensile test
• Resin tensile testing
• O-ring tensile testing
• Thin copper tensile testing. ⚛
Shimadzu South Africa (Pty) Ltd
+27 11 79 Ԁ