Materials Science/Analysis
LMS Issue 3 | 2014
Insight into Corrosion Phenomena
orrosion is a process involving
the degradation of materials that
results in huge economical losses. As
corrosion processes are electrochemical
in nature and involve two or more reactions, electrochemical techniques using
sophisticated instruments are required
to study
The Autolab instruments offer corrosion
practitioners a wide array of tools for
studying these processes.
• FRA32M - Corrosion testing and
• CN - Characterisation of
• UX.Multi 4 - Sequential
measurements on up to 64
• X1000 - Critical pitting temp
perature measurements
• QCM - DeterminaE
tion of mass change.
Fast, Easy and
Precise Results
nton Paar’s Callisto 100, is a fully
automated, compact, stand-alone
CFPP tester operated by touchscreen.
The tester contains all required components according to the standard method.
Testing is in full compliance with ASTM
D6371, EN 116, EN 16329, IP 309 and
JIS K2288. In addition, Callisto 100 can
be used for manual cloud and pour point
This new instrument comes with a
Anton Paar Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd
Contact: Andre van Zyl
Tel: 011-021-5165/6/7
Email: [email protected]
state-of-the-art Peltier element, which
allows the connection of a methanol-free
cooling system. It ensures outstanding
homogeneity of the cooling jacket, which
is the most critical parameter for a correct
CFPP value determination.
For easy and intuitive operation, it
comes with pre-programmed standard
test methods and the possibility to
create and store up to 90 individual user
programmes. The large colour display
indicates the sample and jacket temperature in real time and provides additional
graphical information about the aspiration and back flow times to observe the
temperature behaviour of the sample.
Thanks to contact-free infrared detection technology the complete filtration
unit is easily accessible and has the
same detection position in each test. The
Callisto 100 delivers excellent detection, even when the
pipette is frosted, and
there are no interferences by daylight.
It has a minimum
downtime for high
sample throughput.
A prog rammable
automated cleaning
routine can be initiated at the push of a
button. ⚛
The Autolab comes with an assortment of accessories such as reference
and counter electrodes. It also features
a number of software methods inclu [