LMS Issue 3 | 2014
Food & Beverage
Ideal for the Food Laboratory
he 916 Ti-Touch is a new
titrator for potentiometric titration.
The instrument
supports the following titration
modes, namely
dynamic equivalence point titration, monotone
point titration,
to one or
two given
and manual
This compact titrator comes in the
versions 916 Salt Ti-Touch, 916 Oil TiTouch and 916 Food Ti-Touch, which
are all-inclusive packages containing
the titrator plus the complete accessories for the respective applications.
The 916 Ti-Touch features:
• Direct access to printer/intranet and
CO2 in Beverages
ith many commercially available carbon dioxide (CO 2 )
meters, the first step in dissolved CO2
analysis is snifting, which means briefly
opening and closing the container.
Snifting will release most of the air in
the head space to the atmosphere. This
amount of CO2 is lost for the subsequent measurement. The CO2 losses
due to snifting can be quite considerable. The warmer the samples and the
larger the headspace, the higher the
CO2 losses. As CarboQC and CboxQC
determine the amount of dissolved CO2
as well as the amount of other dissolved
gases, snifting becomes obsolete. No
more snifting means no loss of CO2.
A combination of CarboQC or
CboxQC with a PFD piercing and
filling device allows direct sampling
from a beverage container, be it a glass
bottle, PET bottle or can. Sampling
without CO2 loss is the backbone for
more accurate CO2 results.
When it comes to beverages, many
commercially available CO 2 meters
measure the sum of all dissolved gases
and attribute the result to CO2 solely,
thus obtaining erroneously high results.
CarboQC and CboxQC with the
patented multiple
volume expansion method
e l im i n a t e t h e
inf luence of
other dissolved
gases and ident if ies t he CO 2
c ontent s e le ct i v e l y. T he r e fore, CarboQC
and CboxQC
measure the true
CO2 content. ⚛
LIMS, without a PC
• Straightforward automation. Up
to 100 samples can be determined
unattended (with 814/815 sample
• Plug-and-play. All system components are instantly recognised and
ready for use
• More efficiency due to two Metrohm
Serial Bus (MSB) ports that
allow the connection of a second
titration stand and burette for
the sequential titration of acidity
and chloride
• ontact-free reagent exchange
due to the patented 800 Dosino
• ntelligent stirrer automatically
adapts rotational speed of stirrer
Metrohm SA
Contact: Ravi Issari
Tel: 011-656-2686
Email: [email protected]
Bag-in-Box Packages
irect transfer of wine from BagIn-Box packages is essential for
adequate analysis of dissolved oxygen
(O 2) and dissolved carbon dioxide
(CO2) in wine. Bag-In-Box (BIB) packages, are inexpensive, light and stackable, which makes them popular for
transportation. The risk of an undesired
cork taint is also entirely eliminated.
Monitoring of the O2 and CO2 in
beverages in BIB packages is a worthwhile procedure in quality analysis
during filling and for retaining samples
to verify the shelf-life.
The following instruments can be
used in dissolved gas analysis:
• CboxQC for simultaneous CO2 and
O2 analysis
• CboxQC
At-line for
use during
• OxyQC
for oxygen
analysis in the
lab or during
The instrumental setup for filling
wine, using the
Anton Paar Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd
Contact: Andre van Zyl
Tel: 011-021-5165/6/7
Email: [email protected]
as volume increases
• Out-of-limit results are highlighted
to the user immediately
• Paperless analysis as it generates
forge-proof PDF reports and save
them on USB stick or in the intranet
• Personalised touchscreen for fast
method start. Up to 14 methods per
user can each be linked to a favorite
icon on the touchscreen and started
with a single touch. ⚛
example of red wine, is composed of
the BIB sample, a suitable spout connector, a filter, a CboxQC or CboxQC
At-line or OxyQC, a peristaltic pump
behrotest® PLP 1000 and a waste
The BIB is placed in a slightly
elevated position because of the dimension of the spout and spout connector.
Dissolved gas analysis is important
for quality control.
Sampling directly from the BIB
package is possible and the simultaneous determination of dissolved CO2
and O2 is possible. The analysis is also
independent of the size and shape of the
BIB package. ⚛