Food & Beverage
LMS Issue 3 | 2014
Detect Differently with DairyGuard
ilk is one of the most widely
traded food commodities and
basic food groups in the human diet,
both in its original form and as various
dairy products. Due to the nature of
economically motivated adulteration
and mislabeling, it is difficult to predict
the exact nature of potential threats and
economically motivated adulteration
of ingredients such as milk and milk
powder is a well-known issue. Do
you know what is in your milk? With
increasing concerns over contaminants
in milk, how can you be sure?
Testing for protein, moisture and fat is
standard today, but how does one test for
Play with
your food
ood texture is a multi-dimensional
attribute. One feels it, sees it,
tastes it and measures it as the food is
consumed. One assesses food, based on
its perceived texture. Food Technology
Corporation (FTC) has 40 years of
experience in providing the food industry with objective, precise and repeatable methods of texture measurements.
The TMS-Pro is the flagship of the
FTC’s line of food testing instruments.
When the application calls for precise
force, position and speed control, the
TMS-Pro is unsurpassed. It is affordable, durable and rugged. With a capacity
of 2500N, it can measure
both delicate and tougher
applications. From
assessing the texture
of soft foods to bulk
analysis performed
on solid products,
the TMS-Pro can do it.
The system comes with
the award winning Texture
Lab Pro software
package and any
size load cell.
The TMS-Pro
accepts the full
line of FTC
test cells. ⚛
Wirsam Scientific
011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 /
031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731
Email: [email protected]
those things they don’t know? With the
introduction of the DairyGuardTM Milk
Powder Analyzer, advanced algorithms
are applied to easily screen for
known and unknown
economic adulterants in milk powder,
as well as perform
key quality parameters such as protein,
lactose, moisture,
ash and fat in as little
as 30 seconds.
The DairyGuard system with full
self-checking and diagnostics ensures
it is always performing at highest
capacity and optimised for
the most dependable
results. Simply place
a sample in a petri
dish, push the button
and a simple pass/
fail answer tells you
if the sample has
been adulterated and
whether or not the
sample may require further testing. This
non-targeted screening help deliver
the most important ingredient by far,
namely peace of mind. Learn to detect
differently and protect your brand. ⚛
Contact: Chris de Jager
Tel: 011-564-2400
Email: [email protected]