Ku Nye Tibetan Massage
By Alicia Gonzalez, Ku Nye Tradiditional Tibetan Massage Therapist
What is Ku Nye?
Ku Nye originated from the ancient
kingdoms of Tibet over 3900 years
ago and is a practice indigenous to
the Tibetan Medical tradition. Earliest
Tibetans practiced Ku Nye through
the diagnosis and application of
specific infused oil or substances
extracted from butter to treat the
person’s imbalance or constitution. Tree branches, sticks
and stones were widely used as part of therapy to exert
pressure on different parts and points of the body in order to
restore the individual to a state of health and wellbeing.
Literally, Ku means ‘to apply’ or to anoint the body with
therapeutic oils to be absorbed through the skin and Nye
refers to the actual massage. Techniques of Nye include the
kneading, rubbing and pressing of muscles and tendons and
the application of pressure to various points and channels.
Chi is the final part of Ku Nye therapy which involves
cleaning the oils from the body using barley or chickpea
powder. Other ingredients may be added to the base powders
depending on the person’s diagnosed condition. Another
common name for Ku Nye is Chukpa (Tib. Byugpa)
The Traditional Tibetan Medicine system is a detailed and
integrated one with 2 main objectives; prevention aspect of
illness and the curative aspects of illness where treatments
generally fall into four basic categories
1. Therapeutic Diet
2. Modifications to Lifestyle
3. Use of Herbal Medicines
4. Application of External Therapies
Ku Nye belongs to the fourth category of treatment and is
part of a wealth of external therapies available in Traditional
Tibetan Medicine used to maintain or restore balance to the
organism. Other external therapies include; various types of
moxabustion, stick therapy, cupping, Lums bathing therapy,
stone and shell massage, and the use of compresses.
The rejuvenating and restorative benefits and functions
of Ku Nye are mentioned in many original Tibetan texts
including the Bum Shi, Gyud Shi and all its commentaries
and Ton Huang medical text. Some of the benefits include
the elimination of toxins which store in the body and
increased vitality, the reduction and alleviation of various
types of pain and pain syndromes, the calming of nervous
disorders including insomnia, depression and anxiety.
Alicia Gonzalez, Classical Homeopath
Ku Nye Tradiditional Tibetan Massage Therapist
fall issue 2014
Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium
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