Advanced souls
By now you may be beginning to appreciate
the amazing potential this technique has. The
possibility is not limited to contacting only your
own higher self but also higher consciousnesses
working with humanity for the highest good on
the spirit plane.
Occasionally these consciousnesses make
themselves known during the past life regression
and provide an even greater insight into our
direction as a whole. Anyone, through whom
they've chosen to speak, may find themselves
somehow aligned to the higher objective of
being a regular channel for this information and in
helping implement it. This is a natural course of
which leaves one feeling rather privileged to be
involved with.
To enhance your chance of success there are key
points to focus on leading up to your session.
∆∆ Wait until you know intuitively, that you're
ready. You'll "feel" ready!!
∆∆ Be clear on what you want to achieve from
the session. i.e. write out your list of questions.
(Priorities at the top)
∆∆ Practice visualization. The technique uses
all the senses and so each client has their own
unique experience, unconsciously drawing upon
those senses they're most comfortable with.
Visualization though, is by far the most popular.
In your minds eye you can practice visualizing
objects, places, moving scenes from a movie.
Most people can do this quite easily but it's
still worthwhile getting reacquainted with your
preferred technique beforehand if at all possible.