Dolores Cannon's Past Life
Regression Therapy
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
By Jason Tierney
Initially it seemed like a daunting
prospect, performing my first
past life regression. It only took a
minute though, to recall Dolores'
class and her live demonstration
of the technique on the last day
of the course. That was a truly
inspiring event to witness and
provided the motivation to put
any fear aside and jump in the
deep end.
Since that first regression it's
been a matter of refining my own
technique which has lead me to
the same places in the spirit world
I'd only read about before.
Spirit guides, the Council of
Elders, family re-unions on the
spirit side, the book of life etc,
were all confirming the process
of what happens when we die
and where we go after leaving the
body behind.
A clients first session (there's
usually only one session required,
but some people come back out of
curiosity due to the vast amount of
information there is to explore) will
be guided to the most appropriate
past life to retrieve the most
relevant information regarding
their position in life now and how
they can best move forward.
This includes the most important
events in that life and the transition
to the spirit world at death.
Experiencing the process of
leaving the body is one of the
most beneficial the technique has
to offer because we're reminded
that our true essence is the soul
within the body! Now feeling
freer than ever before, clients are
inspired to explore the spirit world
to see what or who they can see,
sometimes accompanied by their
The next part of the process
gets even more interesting!!:) An
opportunity is presented, to those
clients who are ready for such an
insight, to get in touch with their
higher self (or sub-conscious mind).
This is sort of like the optional
extra that the sub-conscious mind
can choose to exercise at it's own
discretion. It's important to realise
that not everyone is ready for this
experience although I'd approximate
that a good 80% of my clients have
succeeded in this area.
At this stage then, once I've been
given permission to speak with the
sub-conscious mind, I read from
a list of questions the client has
prepared in the previous week or
so and which we have discussed
before starting the session. This
list can contain anything you can
possibly think of.
The number one question is
"What is my purpose in life?".
Other things people ask about
are relationships, ailments and
specific events.
If it's appropriate for the client to
receive this information at this
time it'll be freely given.
The sub-conscious mind won't
give out any information the client
can't handle or isn't ready for.
Remember, it has the insight of
every life you've ever lived!!! :)