Living Environment Translated English 2014 | Page 40

e. Homo sapiens first appeared about 400,000 years ago. f. Cro-Magnon humans and Neanderthals coexisted in many places until Neanderthals disappeared about 30,000 years ago.  Neanderthals had short, heavy bodies with thick bones, small chins, and heavy brow ridges. Family groups lived in caves and used stone tools to hunt large animals. They appeared about 125,000 years ago and disappeared about 30,000 years ago. They are NOT considered a direct ancestor of modern humans.  Cro-Magnons had about the same physical appearance as modern humans but they were much shorter. They lived in caves, made store carvings, and buried their dead. They first painted bison, horses and people carrying spears. They seem to have appeared on the earth about 40,000 years ago and disappeared about 10,000 years ago. g. Homo sapiens looked like modern humans and are believed to be our direct ancestors. 15.Five factors that can lead to evolution: a. Genetic drift- gene pool can change due to chance alone. b. Gene Flow- (migration)- organisms move into and out of an area. This changes the alleles that are in the populations. c. Mutation- new alleles form through mutation. Mutations create the genetic variation necessary for evolution. d. Sexual selection- certain traits improve mating success. Alleles for these traits increase in frequency. e. Natural Selection- certain traits may be an advantage for survival. Alleles for these traits increase in frequency. 16.Evolution is a continuous process. Environments are constantly changing and evolution is a response to these changes.