Living Environment Translated English 2014 | Page 39

c. The fossil record has gaps which may yet be filled with later discoveries. 13.Evidence of evolutionary relationships can be shown by: a. Homologous structures- body part that is similar in structure on different organisms but performs different functions. ( EX: forelimbs of bats, humans and moles have the same bones in relation to each other b. Analogous structures- structures that perform a similar function but are not similar in origin. These structures evolved separately are show that there was NOT a common ancestor. (Ex: a bat’s wing has bones but an insect’s wing does not) c. Embryology – similar structures are present as the embryo is developing. These structures may disappear before the fetus is born. ( Ex: gill slits in humans) d. Vestigial structures- structures that do not seem to have a function and may once have functioned in the body of an ancestor. (Ex: appendix in humans) e. DNA comparisons- the similarities of nucleic acids in organisms f. The evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, pesticideresistant insects, and rapid genetic changes in plant species provides direct evidence that evolution occurs. 14.Evolution of Primates a. Primates are an order of mammals characterized by opposable thumbs, binocular vision, and flexible shoulder joints. b. Primates include monkeys, apes, and humans. c. Hominids are human ancestors that first appeared in Africa 4-6 million years ago. d. Hominids in the genus Homo first used tools and had larger brains than previous primates.